
Sunday, August 13, 2006

Old Friends

Had an urge yesterday to contact an old buddy of mine I have not seen or spoke with in 9 years. Looked him up and gave him a call.I left a message and later he called back.What a blast from the past. It was so nice to talk to him and find out the happenings of his life over the missed time apart. We used to tour together back in the late 80's and allthough we didn't really speak of it I'm sure he has many of the same fond memories of that time that I do. I spoke of the upcoming tour coming to his town( St. Pete) and he seemed interested. He told me he hadn't been to a concert since '94 Pink Floyd. I'm sure family and work took precident. I sure have missed him . Hopefully we havent grown to much in different directions to not be able to find that common ground again. Peace and happiness to all lost friends everywhere.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

RatDog In Florida

Yesterday it was announced...4 dates in FLA!!! How fortunate I feel . Thanks RD Mgnt. and thanks Bobby!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Jerry G

I find myself thinking of the man and his strugles, and his triumphs. Who he was and what he meant to so many. He gave all he could.People wanted more than that though. He wanted to give more than he did . We see that he still gives even though scattered to the four corners of the Earth.
The river is so wide, the mountain so grey.....sunshine over my head. I join the thousands of fans, who remember, in rejoicing about Jerry and his life. Jerry, may your spirit find peace on this day of your birth.